Aims and Objectives

The aims and objectives for which the society is established are:

a) The society shall undertake social and economic upliftment activities for the tribal people of Manipur.

b) To promote assist and maintain handicrafts, cottage industries, co-operative societies and similar activities for the socio economic upliftment of tribals.

c) To undertake and popularize activities in modern and scientific agriculture, holticulture, livestock development and farming activities.

d) To undertake and assist agricultural development particularly, programme of irrigation for rural areas and prevention of widespread jhum cultivation.

e) To encourage and undertake programs on integrated organic farming and conduct arious trainings and programs on agriculture, horticulture, floriculture, pesiculture and

f) To arrange for supply of inputs including seeds, manures, fertilizers, tools, implements and machineries to farmers.

g) To undertake infrastructure development measures such as rural agriculture roads, bridges, habital development, processing, storage, transport and marketing linkage facilities.

h) To encourage the tribals for promotion of land management, economic development and nature conservation conducive for the attainment of sustainable growth and

i) To check exploitation of forest produce for commercial purposes and to promote
afforestation through active involvement of the village communities.

j) To educate and popularize activities on social forestry and promote plantation crops such as tea, coffee, etc.

k) To involve the local communities in planning, project formulation, execution and
maintenance of assets.

l) To undertake programmes on health education, training of health and social workers and provide free medical aid to the poor and needy tribals.

m) To undertake research and programmes on primary health care including preventive,
curative and promotive for the tribals.

n) To establish and run free schools, hostels, orphanage home, day care center and old age home for the poor tribals.

o) To establish and run computer training centers for the educated tribal and impart them various computer knowledge and skills so that they might earn their livelihood through self-employment out of this.

p) To establish and run vocational training centers and training centers for the carpentry, pottery, handloom, weaving, tailoring and garment production, embroidery and wool knitting and impart them training on these trade for earning a living through self-employment out of


a) The society may in furtherance of any or all of the objectives undertake, start and continue activities or projects from time to time decided by the committee.

b) To raise funds or receive properties through donations, gifts, subscriptions, grants,
contributions from individuals, organizations, governmental organisations etc. wheresoever in India or abroad.

c) To acquire and possess or lease land and property movable and immovable, sell or
exchange the same and utilize them for the furtherance of the objectives of the society.

d) To do all other acts incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above aims and
objectives of the society.

e) To co-operate and/or work in partnership with likeminded credible organizations in
keeping with the objectives of the society.

f) To collaborate with voluntary agencies, financial and research institutions, state and
central government and other such bodies for development activities and programmes.

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